Tidy Victory - There were a few plants around the house that I nearly killed, so I've been slowly nursing them back to health in various inconvenient locations, i.e. in the bright upstairs bathroom, sill above the kitchen sink. Some philodendron, which ironically enough is on many websites as a "houseplant that's impossible to kill" and an African violet. Well, today was the day I deemed enough root growth from these plants to replant them in soil in their own containers. The philodendron is going back into the toddler's room and the African violets.....well I'm not sure where, perhaps I'll give two of them away as gifts and keep one. I'm just happy they all didn't completely perish, I would feel guilty about it (not kidding).
Typically on a Friday I link up with "Oh hey, Friday!" and present my list of 5 things on my mind.
Let's try something different today - Friday Favorites!
Here we go:
Favorite Song - I am not one for keeping up on the current hits necessarily, I just like what I like. I got the ole' iPod up and running again this week, and I keep humming Miley Cyrus' "Party in the USA". She has definitely gone in a different and quite unique direction as of lately, but this song is just so darn catchy!
Favorite Recipe - I am making this quick and easy shrimp dish for dinner tonight with some fresh corn on the cob from my Egg Lady down the hill. Garlicky Baked Shrimp will be a perfect light dinner before my husband goes to work this evening for the opening night of the opera at the Chautauqua Institution.
Favorite Workout - Let me remind you that I live in a two-story house with two boys and my husband and the washing machine/dryer are in the basement. No more explanation needed.
Favorite Purchase - Scored an elegant yet rustic new 4x6 picture frame from the clearance shelf at Michaels - $5.99! I just finally ordered the baby's 1 year pictures (taken at the end of May, FAIL!) and I'm thinking about putting in it a shot of him sitting in my husband's old Radio Flyer red wagon that he had repainted for the kids.
Favorite Social Media Shoutout - I actually got my first feature this week from the lovely ladies at the Monday Funday Linky Party from this past Monday, July 27th. You can check out my feature (Pretty Frame Ring Holder) and their linky party here. Ladena from MyBabyStuff chose my post - yayayayayay! Of course this little blog of mine is all in fun, but it certainly is nice to get a little recognition.
Favorite Funnys - I think Jimmy Fallon is so unbelievably hysterical, especially when he does this skit.....
I'm not sure if it's his voice, the gum chewing, or the faces he makes, but I die every time.
On that note - welcome August, goodbye July, see you on the flip side!
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