Messy Messy Fail - I found a really cute bathing suit on sale at TJMaxx a couple of years ago - tankini style, fit great. Except after 2349872320 washes from uncountable swimming lessons, the fuchsia color still runs. And stains anything it comes into contact to. Like the baby's white swim t-shirt. He looks great in pink now.
Tidy Victory - I had 10 episodes of Pioneer Woman and Trisha's Southern Kitchen DVR'ed so I could save recipes on Pinterest - pinned and deleted. The DVR now has 39% free space.
When I was in elementary & middle school I LOVED reading, especially the classics like Little Women, The Little House on the Prairie series and the Anne of Green Gables series. I still do love reading, but I find myself pressed for time (but I'm still determined to finish my book from the library since they haven't shunned me after my 9 months of no renewing).
Another childhood favorite is carnival stand lemonade - the kind they squeeze fresh right in front of you with their giant lemon press and put in the big white, green and yellow container, complete with behemoth accordion straw. The straw is usually green I think.
It's so sweet yet tart, refreshing with all of those juicy little pieces of lemon floating around.
When I happened to come across this blog post with the Anne of Green Gables Cookbook recipe for Old Fashioned Lemonade, I was totally inspired to try making some fresh lemonade myself.
What nostalgia - drinking the same lemonade as Anne while she sat on the porch with Matthew and Marilla!
My mouth starting watering as soon as I purchased my family pack of lemons at Wegmans.
If you want to try making your own fresh lemonade just like Anne, here's what you need:
- 1 1/2 c. fresh squeezed lemon juice (I believed I ended up using 10 - 12 lemons)
- 1 1/2 c. sugar
- 1 1/2 c. water
- zest from one lemon
- ice cubes
- cold water (you can use sparkling water, too)
- lemon slices and/or mint leaves for garnish
And now here's what you do:
- Pour the 1 1/2 c. water and 1 1/2 c. sugar into a small sauce pan and bring to a boil for 5 minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon. Remove the sauce pan from heat and let cool slightly.
- Add the freshly squeezed lemon juice and lemon zest into the simple syrup you made and let cool completely.
- To serve, place several ice cubes into a tall glass, measure 1/4 of a cup of the lemon syrup into the glass and then add 3/4 c. of cold or sparkling water. Mix well with a spoon or cute straw.
- Add a lemon slice or sprig of mint for garnish and serve.
- Store the lemon syrup in a sealable container or mason jar and keep in the refrigerator - should last for 2-3 weeks (if even that long!).
- One batch of lemon syrup makes approximately 14 glasses of lemonade.
The toddler really enjoyed helping me squeeze the lemons in my juicer and learned a great lesson about acidity when he licked his hands.
He did, however, really like the lemonade we made which was quite surprising, in a good way of course.
My husband asks for a glass every afternoon.
I like to enjoy a glass while writing a blog post.
Give this old fashioned lemonade and try and see what lemonade should really taste like!
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