Messy Messy Fail - I was determined to start growing veggies indoors this year so I could have plants to plant in the garden instead of seeds. Haven't planted one seed yet. But I DO have an egg carton to plant them in! Maybe tomorrow. :)
Tidy Victory - One fabulous concert done, just two more to go over the next couple of weeks. The beginning strings had their recital on Thursday night and they all did an outstanding job - so proud of them!
Messy Messy Fail - I still have the winter snowflake/reindeer/buffalo plaid pillows out. I can't put them away because I have NOTHING to replace them with! On the lookout for cute spring/summer pillow covers, be on the look out for me!
Tidy Victory - I got the last of my Christmas wall art AND the snowmen down and packed away. In my defense it IS still snowing here, makes me forget it isn't the holidays anymore! :)
Messy Messy Fail - Well, those Christmas decorations above the TV that I was supposed to take down are STILL THERE. It's because taking them down means I have to move the TV stand, the TV, get a ladder and practically climb up the wall. Remind me to NOT put Christmas decorations up there again next year.
Tidy Victory - I took a bunch of items to the Salvation Army this weekend and feel better to have a few more boxes out of the house. It really does feel so much better to be rid of items you don't use knowing others can possibly use them!
Messy Messy Fail - I ended up playing in my husband's pit orchestra for his high school's musical this weekend. This translates to NOTHING had been done around the house. I'm am currently staring over my computer screen at a pile of dirty dishes from Friday, folded laundry all over the living room not put away, etc., etc. Not to mention daylight savings time and the LOSS OF MY HOUR OF SLEEP. C'mon, man.......
Tidy Victory - We had a great run of The Wizard of Oz at my husband's school. I did take a video on my music stand of us playing so I could hear for myself what we sounded like (it's hard to explain but you aren't listening in that "enjoyable" capacity when playing all of the time) but I can't post it - that would be a copyright issue! It's musical season here in Western New York - do yourself a favor - do a quick internet search for the schedule of when your local schools are performing their musicals and GO. All of the kids and adults in these productions work so hard to perform - support your local performing arts programs!
Messy Messy Fail - So I definitely still have Christmas wall art on the living room wall above the TV. My hangup is that I have to move the heavy TV and entertainment center away from the wall and climb up on a ladder to get it down. I've justified keeping it up this long because the dominant color in the decor is red, and we just had Valentine's Day.......
Tidy Victory - We are getting the boys into Star Wars - we borrowed episodes IV, V and VI to show them and they are really enjoying it so far. Any other Star Wars fans out there? I forgot how good these movies were!