Messy Messy Fail - I truly think I fail to move the Elves on the Shelves every other night. I should set a timer or something - this SHOULDN'T be difficult. They discipline purposes are being snafu-ed but it's my own fault.
Tidy Victory - All holiday decorations are up, presents have been purchased and we are NEARLY ready for the holiday. Bring it on St. Nick!
Messy Messy Fail - It's been a busy week of winter concerts, hence my lateness to the party. But I am now off the hook and can enjoy my last week and a half of work STRESS FREE!
Tidy Victory - All Christmas decor is up EXCEPT for a few prints I had to purchase some special sized frames for - I need to pay closer attention to sizing next time!
Messy Messy Fail - I was so excited to get a growler filled up at a new beer store in town. Unfortunately I forgot I had left it in the trunk of Ruby Red Grapefruit (my car!) and when I opened the door - CRASH! Lucky for us we have 7 other back ups.
Tidy Victory - Our Christmas tree is nearly done - just looking for the perfect topper, our former one is too small! Be watching my Facebook at Love My Mess or my Instagram account Love My Messy Messy Mess for the grand finale!