Messy Messy Fail - I thought I was soooooooo cool - I had planned to make space cupcakes for the 1st graders' 7th birthday party at the bowling alley this weekend. The frosting was black, blue and purple mixed together for a nice "space" effect. It also effectively turned every child's mouth and teeth purple/black, including fingers and anything they touched for about 30 minutes after eating the cupcake. They looked great though! Gotta look up if there is a way to make black frosting without the lasting effects.....
Tidy Victory - Halloween decorations are up, costumes are ready to go, now to carve pumpkins on Tuesday night. Be watching my Instagram account at Love My Messy Messy Mess for pictures!
P.S. Congrats to me below - I got a featured post woohoo! Be sure to click the link for the recipe!
Messy Messy Fail - New house, new sun and weather patterns = having to figure out how to keep plants blooming and happy. I thought my Walmart mums were in the sun all day, but they are now brown and without flowers. Now I know for next year I guess.
Tidy Victory - For the first time in probably, oh say, 6 years, I got a haircut and color WITHIN 3 months of the previous cut. I mean seriously - my hairdresser who is also a friend would say the kindest things to me after not seeing me in her seat for 9 months..."Wow your color really grew out well, girl!" Color never looks nice after growing out for 9 months, she just pitied me. So I decided my time has come - darker color with some fun blond baliage hanging out in there. Thanks for a lovely time Miss Faith!
Messy Messy Fail - Do you purchase fun costume jewelry from Papparazzi? I do! Especially the fun long pendant necklaces. And then I make sure to get them caught on the dog cage when I'm packing it up and then practically rip it off my neck.
Tidy Victory - This is not the first time I've broken a long necklace or any of my costume jewelry for that matter. Needle nose plyers and tweezers can fix just about anything.
Messy Messy Fail - Of course the weekend we are home and want to visit some local pumpkin farms, it's a wash out here.
Tidy Victory - So we went to the movies instead and saw Small Foot - super cute and highly recommended! The boys loved it, and we saw a matinee show so my bank account enjoyed it too!
Messy Messy Fail - It's rather amazing that it's taken this long for me to spill boiling water on myself, but I did today. Congrats, Katie!
Tidy Victory - I picked up six small pots of mums at Walmart for $3.69 each to replace my dead hanging baskets. The aphids got them BUT they did last all summer. Look for pictures on my Instagram account LoveMyMessyMessyMess!