Messy Messy Fail - So funny story - I am the official Cheerimeister for my family's Christmas - I text everyone their Kris Kringle along with the wish list, make sure everyone knows what time brunch is at, etc. How ironic is it that the Cheermeister nearly forgot to get the gift for her own KK.
Tidy Victory - One holiday concert down, one to go. My middle school orchestra had a great performance last Tuesday - high school's turn on Thursday night!
Messy Messy Fail - I missed not one but TWO appointments last week, as in thought they were on completely different days! I HATE when I do that! The receptionists were too kind.
Tidy Victory - I sat down for a 1/2 hour today, went through the DVR guide and recorded ALL of the awesome holiday programs & movies that are going to be on. I especially like to watching Santa Clause: The Movie, who remembers that one?!?!?!?!?!
Messy Messy Fail - I thought I was being so thrifty and crafty, making my own fresh wreath from a ring that I saved from last year. It turned brown and dried out in a day - was the heck MAN?!?!?!?!
Tidy Victory - Our Nightmare Before Christmas tree is up and decorated (for the most part) - didn't QUITE turn out as I had envisioned but it was still fun!
Messy Messy Fail - In past years, I have always saved the turkey carcass to make broth. How many times do you think I've ever actually gotten around to doing that? 0.
Tidy Victory - So instead of saying I'll do it later, I did it right away - I made turkey broth from the neck and gizzards instead! I then froze the broth in ice cube trays to store in freezer bags - perfect for measuring and storing!