Messy Messy Fail - There were so many this week I couldn't even keep up. Can we start with car brakes that are squealing so bad my children tell strangers about it?
Tidy Victory - My husband and a good friend were able to change the brake pads themselves and saved us a ton of money - a big thank you to those two awesome guys! :)
Messy Messy Fail - In an attempt to equalize my gardens a bit, I had pulled out a few pieces from one of my ornamental grasses and replanted them on the other side of a tree that was completely bare. They now look like dead cornstalks (PHOBIA!!!) - I'll have try again in the fall.
Tidy Victory - I cooked more dinners this past week then I have in MONTHS! My goal is usually to cook 3 meals a week and enjoy leftovers on the others, a frozen pizza, etc. Let's just say my family was very pleased with all of the food!
Messy Messy Fail - I did something so dumb and stupid last week, and I was so dumbfounded by my own stupidity that I CANNOT EVEN REMEMBER what I did. Now that's fail - I cannot recall my own fail. Wow.
Tidy Victory - I pitted 12 cups of freshly picked cherries with an empty wine bottle and a chopstick - what a hack that was!!!!!
Messy Messy Fail - As I listen to local folks setting off their fireworks in preparation for the 4th, our beagle is frantically licking and pawing at the inside of "her house". I'm expecting quite the messy messy in the morning.
Tidy Victory - We've got our 4th of July plans ready to go - local parade in the morning and fireworks at night. I just love this holiday and our great country!
Messy Messy Fail - I managed to completely forget to post this until the following weekend when I was supposed to be posting party #178. Better late than never!