Messy Messy Fail - Where do you think my canna lilies and elephant ear plants still are? That's right - in the ground and snowed upon. Gotta get them out before they turn to mush!
Tidy Victory - I have somehow managed to stretch our last grocery visit to last two weeks. Could that be due to my overcrowded panty? No way, and if it was I would definitely still claim this as a victory! Way to not shop, go me!
Messy Messy Fail - I knew that every month the Kindergartener's class was given a simple project to complete with family for a few weeks time. But I had forgotten about the November project, that is until I saw all of the family turkeys displayed on the wall outside his classroom at parent teacher conferences. We are handing it in on Monday.
Tidy Victory - I have discovered Carpool Karaoke with James Corden. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. My favorite is when he had Sia with him - how funny were they together!! Have you ever watched these? If not, you should because it's amazingness with music.
Messy Messy Fail - Not only had I not had my hair cut in, um, I can't believe I'm saying this, 8 MONTHS, but my poor sons hadn't either since the end of August. Their cowlicks, or as we call them hair horns, were in full force and could no longer be controlled. Not even hair gel could keep those hair horns down. Can't imagine what his teachers think of me........
Tidy Victory - I FINALLY GOT MY HAIR DONE!!! There is just something so magical about going to the salon and telling your stylist, "Please, just fix it, do whatever!!!". And she fixed it all right - thank you Miss Faith! :)
Messy Messy Fail - It's truly amazing how caught up we can get with life that we forget really important events that happen every year. Like a typical tradition. Like carving the pumpkins. It was seriously the night before Halloween and my husband says, "So when did you plan on carving the pumpkins?". I looked up, rolled my eyes and slapped my forehead. How could I have forgotten the PUMPKINS?!?!?!?!
Tidy Victory - We had a terrific Halloween - the first enjoyable one to be exact. No one really cried, everyone had their Halloween costume on and the weather was decent. Slightly cold but we were grateful it wasn't raining. I hope your Halloween's were as good as ours!