Tidy Victory - Two-thirds of the gardens were successfully weeded today with the help of my new weed digger (although not really new but new to my understanding of what it is, man.....). I truly find it therapeutic - the clean pull when the whole nasty thing comes out in one swift tug. Typically I like to keep a cold beer or glass of wine on the deck while I'm weeding for a little refreshment as well. Did I mention I really LOVE weeding?
On this long Memorial Day weekend (I had both Friday and Monday off) I had many plans for both my family and myself - getting to work in the garden, cleaning up the bedroom, getting my hair did, catching up on laundry, and catching up on Grey's Anatomy. I believe this is the first weekend that we have nothing planned (but a first birthday party for a friend that was FAB - the lady bug theme soooo cute!) so I certainly need to take advantage of my opportunity. Here are five things I am doing/thinking about this weekend:
<One> More gardening - I have lots of tall things in the backs of the gardens, but now I need to fill the front with shorter things. I'm really liking phlox and fun, short grasses right now. I hope to go through the perennials I have in place right now and dig some up to give to a friend who's looking to plump up her garden.
<Two> Ice Cream - I had a co-worker who did something really cool last summer - they visited a different ice cream shop every weekend over the summer and had a family vote at the end of all their visits as to which was the best. Although it is not officially summer yet, we started our ice cream tour last weekend at a small local General Store type place in a local town then tonight at a great soft serve place called Big Tree Soft Serve.
<Three> Parades - This is a big weekend for parades, a great family activity and show of support for those who have and who are serving in our armed forces. My husband, a band director in a neighboring town, will be marching his students in their parade. Nana Patti comes and helps me wrangle the boys while I meet the parade at the end to help transport the larger instruments with our pickup truck. It's a short parade but means a lot to the community and the veterans, especially when the band performs at the ceremony held in the cemetery. Check your online or your local paper for parade listings in your area to show your support.
<Four> Retirements - A co-worker in my department will be retiring shortly, and a few other gals and I will be throwing a celebration party for her. We are having lots of fun planning the menu, decorations and gift to celebrate her long career in music education. To dedicate so many years to one profession is an amazing and honorable accomplishment. I only hope that one day I can say I completed such a rewarding and successful career.
<Five> Anniversary - Every year my husband and I take a turn to plan a little something for our anniversary. On July 25th it will be our 6th anniversary and I'm putting together a short trip for us over a long weekend in August. My husband will be reading this so I can't spoil the surprise, but perhaps I'll write a blog post about it afterwards!
Lots of things going on this weekend, but most important it to remember those who we have lost who dedicated their lives to our country. I cannot imagine myself serving in such a way, but I am eternally grateful to those who have.
Enjoy the weekend with your families and remember those who gave their lives for us.
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