Tidy Victory - The boys were looking kind of shaggy and with school pictures and the UPKer's birthday party coming up, it was time for our bi-monthly visit to the salon for a trim. Must have been my lucky day - I got appointments for both kids with our lady Miss Faith within two days of calling - woo hoo! That's a great big check off of my to-do list!
I love punch. I am CRAZY about punch.
Whenever I can find an excuse to make punch, I make it.
Baby showers, wedding showers, birthdays.
And fall. Fall is a GREAT reason to make punch.
Another favorite beverage of mine is apple cider.
I've mentioned it before, like in this post, how much I enjoy a mug of hot apple cider with a cinnamon stick.
So I thought, how about a lovely apple cider punch? A HOT apple cider punch.
My mouth is watering just typing about it.
Here's what you need:
- 1 gallon of apple cider
- 1 c. of orange juice
- 1 c. of pomegranate juice
- 1/2 c. of brown sugar
- 2 tsp. allspice
- 1 tsp. ground cloves
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 2 dashes of nutmeg
- 4 cinnamon sticks
Here's what you do:
- In a large crockpot, pour in all of the juices and mix in the sugar and spices.
- Heat on high until desired temperature is reached. Give a good stir before serving.
Feel free to experiment with the spices until you find a combination you like.
The orange juice brings a little bright kick to the cider, while the pomegranate juice adds those healthy antioxidants and a richer red color.
Not to mention how AMAZING this will make your kitchen smell while heating up in your crockpot.
Perfect fun punch to serve during these fall holidays - you can set up your crockpot and ladle your punch right into cute little punch cups.
This punch could even be served cold, try adding some sparking wine or champagne for a fizzy adult version.
My punch is adapted from this recipe I found.
My punch is adapted from this recipe I found.
Any celebration is even more special with a delicious punch!
What's your favorite punch recipe?