
Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #114

Messy Messy Fail - So I thought I had a really great idea of using Elmer's glue to draw our initials on our Easter eggs.  My thinking was the glue would dry, we would dye the eggs, and then I'd peel the glue off to reveal a white initial on the dyed egg.  Total fail.  Didn't leave enough time for the glue to dry and it just fizzled off in the vinegar.  At least now I know it won't work.  Still determined to discover a cool way to decorate our eggs (for next year wah wah)

Tidy Victory - I've had all of our Easter goodies purchased and ready to go for about a week now - it was nice not having to run out last minute!  Each of the boys got a small toy, DVD, book, hatching dinosaur egg and candy.  Can't wait to celebrate in a few short hours!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

LuLaRoe Style On The Go - Leggings Review

Messy Messy Fail - While I was giving the monsters a bath last night, I put my phone with my cute dragonfly cover on the back of the toilet to keep it from getting splashed.  At some point it fell onto the floor, and of course in just the right way that it cracked the top of my screen.  This particular phone cover does not protect the top or bottom edge, so it looks like it landed perfectly where it wasn't protected.  Definitely still usable but definitely looks nasty!

Tidy Victory - I found and made this OUTSTANDING recipe for Guiness Beef Stew for dinner this past Saturday and we are still eating and raving about it.  It gets better with every day!  You can pin it for yourself here or go to Angela's blog, Marathons & Motivation to see it directly.  If you like a hearty beef stew, this recipe is perfect.  I love that she added a little Creole seasoning for a subtle kick (not to mention an entire Guiness beer, but that cooks off and you are left with fabulous flavor)!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #113

Messy Messy Fail - My sister is now selling Rodan & Fields skin care and gave me some samples to try.  A couple of those tiny soft plastic capsules, one with a night moisturizer and the other a day time moisturizer.  They weren't labeled, and of course didn't I mix them up.  I essentially went out today to run errands with the toddler with a shiny night cream face.  It still felt really nice!

Tidy Victory - Officially on spring break and LOVING it.  Four weeks straight of concerts was even more draining than I thought it would be.  But all went well and now I can relax a bit and spend time with my family.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

24 Favorite Easter Recipes Round-up

Messy Messy Fail - In our climate zone, I cannot leave plants outside or in the ground that typically can be left out in others.  I know this.  But do I follow this?  No, instead I leave my pretty red canna lily roots in the giant pot that I planted them in out on the back deck.  Since it's been in the 50's here recently, I finally decided to check out the pot and try digging the cannas out.  What did I find?  Mushy canna roots.  They are currently drying out in a box in the basement, we'll see if they recover.  Might be asking Nana Patti for new ones this summer.

Tidy Victory - I made a slew of appointments for my vacation next week that I've been putting off for quite sometime.  I'm actually surprised I was even able to schedule them all - dentist, vet for Pablo the cat (he's been sneezing these insane boogers for a few months now) and a specialist to check out my kidney stones, or lack there of hopefully.  Crossing my fingers for good news from everyone!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #112

Messy Messy Fail - As you know, I do enjoy my wine and beer.  We enjoy it so much in our household that we have acquired quite the can and bottle collection in our garage.  We are so silly - the redemption center is quite literally down the street.  I just simply have gotten my act together to collect everything and drive it down.    Money just sitting in my garage!

Tidy Victory - Even though I have not planned for meals or done serious grocery shopping in about two weeks, I have managed to clean off my pantry shelf quite a bit.  Stocking up on regularly used items or purchasing in bulk can be great, but you have to remember to use it.  It can be tricky to force yourself to only use items you have in your refrigerator and pantry, but it pays off in your bank account!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Holiday Fun with our Bloggy Friends - Easter & Spring

Messy Messy Fail - I swear my boys are growing out of their clothes so much faster than I can even keep up.  The toddler needs to start getting into 24 mo. and 2T clothes, but I cannot get those out until I pack up all of the 12-18 and 18 mo. clothes currently overtaking his drawers - it's madness I tell you!

Tidy Victory - I am working on a review post for a lovely group of gals and their LuLaRoe business - if you haven't ever heard of this latest craze in the world of ladies & girls tops, dresses and leggings you are MISSING OUT!  Be watching for my review of their butter-soft leggings this week!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

No-Bake Birds Nest Cookies

Messy Messy Fail - Pior to having a successful concert (see below), I was not happy that I ran out of programs to hand out!  I was quite sure one-hundred would have been enough, but apparently not.  I guess that's a good problem to have - a great turnout!  

Tidy Victory - Had a super successful side-by-side concert with some of my select string students from the district along with musicians from the Western New York Chamber Orchestra.  This orchestra is an ensemble in-residence right down the road at SUNY Fredonia.  I chair the event and am happy to report that everything went smoothly.  Phew!

Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #111

Messy Messy Fail - The ABS (break system) light has been on in my car since at least last summer.  When I had my car inspected last August, the mechanic said it was just a sensor, it was fine, passed.  Until this past Thursday when the break system started kicking in on its own and there was no ice. I swore my breaks were completely giving out!  Going in on Tuesday.....

Tidy Victory - We bought our tickets for our Dave Matthews show this summer - going to see them in July at the Molson Canadian Amphitheater in Toronto, ON.  We love this venue - it's small (for a more intimate performance), in a terrific city, and typically has a mostly adult audience.  And guess who scored the better seats when both my husband and I got online to buy - ME!