
Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #114

Messy Messy Fail - So I thought I had a really great idea of using Elmer's glue to draw our initials on our Easter eggs.  My thinking was the glue would dry, we would dye the eggs, and then I'd peel the glue off to reveal a white initial on the dyed egg.  Total fail.  Didn't leave enough time for the glue to dry and it just fizzled off in the vinegar.  At least now I know it won't work.  Still determined to discover a cool way to decorate our eggs (for next year wah wah)

Tidy Victory - I've had all of our Easter goodies purchased and ready to go for about a week now - it was nice not having to run out last minute!  Each of the boys got a small toy, DVD, book, hatching dinosaur egg and candy.  Can't wait to celebrate in a few short hours!

Welcome to our party!
Happy Easter

bloggers, blog hop, linkup

We had a really fun party last week with so many great posts.
Here are some of our favorites ...

This Week's Features

crafts, kids

Click to Tweet and tell others about the Happiness is Homemade Link Party!

Tweet: #HappyEaster and #HappinessIsHomemade #Linkup #114 #recipes #Diy #holidays #ideas @LoveMyMess

Meet Our Hosts

Image MapPeek Into ParadiseLabour LifeUpstate RamblingsWhile NappingEclectic Red BarnDucks RowLady Prefers SavePainted HingeThat RecipeLove My Messy MessMommy DemandBlogghettiWant to follow us? 
We'd love that!
Just click on the circle to connect to our blogs!! 

The rules are so simple! Make sure you visit a few other blogs and make some new friends along the way. Feel free to link up your favorite recipes, crafts or your latest DIY project. We want you you share it all! As always, please make sure to follow your hosts and co-hosts!! Link up your posts, make some friends, and earn the chance to be featured at Happiness Is Homemade Link Party! 

We will feature the favorite posts each week! 

Plus, every feature will be pinned to our
 Happiness is Homemade Pinterest board

Disclaimer: Adding your link to this link party gives permission to all 12 Hosts, along with any co-hosts, guest hosts, and participants of Happiness Is Homemade, to share your posts and pictures via social media and as features, roundups, etc. with an explicit link back to your original source. Therefore, linking up you agree to allow us to use your images on each of our blogs in features relating to Happiness is Homemade Link Party.

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