
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

24 Favorite Easter Recipes Round-up

Messy Messy Fail - In our climate zone, I cannot leave plants outside or in the ground that typically can be left out in others.  I know this.  But do I follow this?  No, instead I leave my pretty red canna lily roots in the giant pot that I planted them in out on the back deck.  Since it's been in the 50's here recently, I finally decided to check out the pot and try digging the cannas out.  What did I find?  Mushy canna roots.  They are currently drying out in a box in the basement, we'll see if they recover.  Might be asking Nana Patti for new ones this summer.

Tidy Victory - I made a slew of appointments for my vacation next week that I've been putting off for quite sometime.  I'm actually surprised I was even able to schedule them all - dentist, vet for Pablo the cat (he's been sneezing these insane boogers for a few months now) and a specialist to check out my kidney stones, or lack there of hopefully.  Crossing my fingers for good news from everyone!

Easter is nearly here and that means it is time to start thinking about your menu. The Easter weekend gives us plenty of opportunities for feasting whether it’s appetizers before the big Easter Sunday meal or family brunches during the weekend. Several bloggers have gotten together to bring you our Favorite Easter Recipes. From delicious brunch, dinner, and of course dessert recipes you’ll be sure to find something to add to your Easter menus.

24 Favorite Easter Recipes Round-Up!

Favorite Easter Recipes Round-Up

Ukrainian Babka Easter Bread



Easter Crockpot


Cheddar Biscuits 7



Ham and Asparagus Roll ups

Grilled Leg of Lamb





Coconut Curried Eggs pin

Mini Easter Cheesecakes


white cake






What's on your Easter menu this year?

A special thanks to Lisa of Blogghetti for organizing and creating this round-up!  Please be sure to stop by her wonderful blog and leave her some special blog love!