
Sunday, October 18, 2020

Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #345

Messy Messy Fail - My succulent arrangement were so lush and vibrant when I first created them.  I'm just not sure what I did wrong, cause almost all are now dead.  I'm talking inside succulents by the way.  Am I the only person on the planet who can kill an air plant?  I think so.

Tidy Victory - I have finally gotten my boys on board with helping out with the chores in the house.  I wish we had started this earlier with them, but better late than never!  The 3rd grader enjoys vacuuming while the 1st grade is really good at organizing, so he is often on shoe sorting duty in the mud room.  It is SO helpful when they chip in - less for me to do and then they feel good about helping out!

Time to switch from Thanksgiving to Halloween if you are Canadian, or up the Halloween game if you are from elsewhere.  Today we are sharing some amazing ideas to celebrate Halloween on Happiness is Homemade. We may not be trick or treating but we can still enjoy some spooky treats and decor.  What's happening in your neighborhood for Halloween?

hih345 pin  

First up is some spooky well actually more Fun  Halloween Decor from Our Cloverhouse.  She tells us I haven't really purchased anything new this year, just busted out all of my tubs full of Fall stuff and started placing it here and there! I think she did an awesome job.
  mantle decore with cloverhouse featuring pumpkins

And this will not surprise you, can we have Halloween without a ghost or two?  Drugstor Divas are sharing a tasty merinque cookie shaped like ghosts.  Simple recipe idea to follow and oh so fun. She tells us I thought they were adorable, and they actually came out pretty cute too. But in my mind they were a little fluffier and less triangular. But I wasn’t able to pipe them that way.They did give me an inspiration to make melted snowmen in the winter, though. 

ghost-meringue-cookies on a cookie sheet 

Comfort Spring has given us a little gift today.  An adorable Vampire Gnome Printable that you can download for free.  I am not sure about you but I have been searching for fun ad creative printables for all my crafts.  This works perfectly.October is the month for cute Halloween treats and decorations. Today’s free printable is a little vampire gnome for Halloween.  

  Halloween-Vampire-Gnome printable 

Is it really Halloween if we don't share a Halloween Tablescape?  This cute arrangement from Love My Little Cottage has so much inspiration. Of all the tablescapes I’ve created this year, this one was the most fun! I enjoyed pairing iconic orange and black haunted house colors with the shiny bling of Christmas and New Year’s Eve silver and gold. Creating the Shining Bright Haunted House Halloween Tablescape was a scream.

orange halloween plate on a fun table  

Bonus feature because I honestly cannot let a week go by without a seasonal cocktail.  How about this tasty Bloody Sunrise Halloween Cocktail from The Kitchen is my Playground. Turn Tequila Sunrise's signature layers into a festive Halloween treat with this Bloody Sunrise Halloween Cocktail! Add some easy blood drips to martini glass rims, pour in classic Sunrise cocktail ingredients, and you've got one fun and tasty cocktail for sipping on Halloween night.

Bloody-Sunrise cocktail in a martini glass 

  Would you like to be a part of Happiness Is Homemade? We are looking for hostesses to join our team. If you are interested, please email any one of the Happiness Is Homemade hostesses and let them know. We would love to have you join our party.

Happiness is Homemade 345 celebrates Halloween!

Show us what you have been working on and don't forget to drop by and say hello to all our hostesses And here are all of our hostesses at Happiness Is Homemade! Linda @ A Labour Of Life Cynthia @ Create with Cynthia Sinea @ Ducks ‘n a Row Beverly @ Eclectic Red Barn Katie @ Love My Messy Messy Mess 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter