
Sunday, August 23, 2020

Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #337

Messy Messy Fail - After a summer of camping essentially, all of the gardens are a mess of weed and overgrown nonsense again.  Also I discovered a vital mistake in my vegetable garden layout - tall plants like tomatoes should go in the BACK of the garden where they won't cover up all the other plants, not the front :D. Maybe I'll get a pepper this year - woot woot!

Tidy Victory - My youngest and I are on a geocaching kick!  To date we have found 28 caches since July 27 and we are loving it!  My goal this fall is to set up some caches of our own - there are not a lot in this area but we have so many amazing spots to hide one!  Not sure what geocaching is?  Check out their website and join in the world's largest treasure hunt!  

Happiness Is Homemade Link Party 

Happy Sunday!  It's Beverly here from Eclectic Red Barn, bringing your this week's party. I hope you are all doing well. August is flying by so fast and it seems that fall will be here before you know it. I tried to gather up some fall ideas. I hope you find some inspiration.

Features include:

Whether it is a warm August evening or cool fall night, s'mores are always a hit.  This S'mores Dessert doesn't require a campfire to enjoy. Check out the easy recipe over at Swirls of Flavor

When Lisa sets her mind to do something, she does it. Can you believe this mason jar turned faux tartan plaid thermos. Stop by Fresh vintage by Lisa for complete instructions to create your own.

Shelley, over at Calypso in the Country decided to start some Early Fall Decorating. Love the metal buckets, apples and hydrangeas. All of these things make for a lovely foyer.  

Yvonne over at Stone Gable provides tips for choosing the Perfect Upholstered Headboard.  I love all of the fall colors on her bed. 

Rounding up my fall picks is the delicious Double Cherry Pie. I remember picking cherries and making pie and Marilyn's (@Marilyn's Treats) pie brings back those memories. Cherry pie is my favorite pie. 

Many thanks to all of our party hosts. We appreciate each and every one. If you have not already, be sure to follow them on their