
Sunday, October 6, 2019

Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #291

Messy Messy Fail - I have had some key pieces to hang and decorate on the naked while behind our TV.  We are talking MONTHS, I've been meaning to decorate for MONTHS.  Yet there they still sit, lying on the dining room table.  Maybe this week....

Tidy Victory - My spaghetti sauce is FINISHED!  I ended up pulling different ingredients from a few different recipes but I think it turned out good.  So ACTUALLY I think it can be very difficult to mess up spaghetti sauce - it probably tastes good no matter what, well of course unless you put something crazy in it - but I'm still quite pleased with how it turned out.  Yay!

Welcome to October, my favourite month of the linkup next to December. Coding is on Google doc I am including a PIn image and a feature image. Hey Everyone, It’s my month to host Happiness is Homemade October woohoo. If you are joining from a blog other than mine I am Linda from A Labour of Life. And I am so happy I live in a World that has October’s. I will be hosting all this month and that puts a full Pumpkin Smile on my face. October is Fall and Canadian Thanksgiving and Halloween and did I mention Pumpkin Spice?

hih 291

Happiness is Homemade Features to Start October

This week I selected a little bit of everything Fall, some food, a craft, a diy firepit and even an awesome table. Enjoy and please let’s see what amazing Fall and Halloween ideas you have for Happiness is Homemade.

First up is Virginia Sweetpeas awesome Woodland Tablescape

woodland table

Today’s Lakeside Woodland Fall Tablescape is a result of a Pinterest challenge that Paula participates in. Apparently it is a monthly challenge hosted by Cindy from County Road 407. Each month Cindy picks a picture from Pinterest and challenges the group to recreate the look. I think I want to get involved with that challenge because y'all know how much I love my tablescapes.

Fresh Vintage by Lisa and Velvet No Sew Pumpkins

velvet no sew pumpkins

How beautiful are these Velvet no sew pumpkins? And so on point. I was at Michael's this weekend and the shelves were filled with amazing velvet pumpkins. Gone are the traditional Orange. Today's must haves are great colours with amazing textures.

The Lou Lou Girls and a Fun Pumpkin Pie Crisp

pumpkin pie crisp

  Pumpkin Pie Crisp is an amazing twist on the traditional Apple Crisp. MY mouth was watering just seeing the picture. I could smell the warm hints of pumpkin through my screen. You can bet I have pinned this for a future dessert.

Simply Designing Porch's Creamy Chicken Tortilla Soup

chicken tortilla soup in a bowl

 Can it truly be October without an amazing soup recipe? This delicious dish from Simply Designing Porch is going to become a Fall Favourite. A Creamy Chicken Tortilla Soup made in the crock pot.

A DIY Firepit and Walkway from Thrifty Diving

diy firepit

The final feature had me drooling in a whole different manner. A homemade Firepit anchored in the yard with a gravel walkway feature. DIY Firepit and walkway is on my list of must have's. Sadly it will mean moving out of the city but I would totally move to have this. I am not kidding you folks, picture this by the lake!  

Would you like to be a part of Happiness Is Homemade? We are looking for hostesses to join our team. If you are interested, please email any one of the Happiness Is Homemade hostesses and let them know. We would love to have you join our party.

Here are all of our hostesses at Happiness Is Homemade - be sure to give them a visit!
Linda @ A Labour Of Life Viktoria @ Awesome Alice Lisa @ Blogghetti Carol @ Bluesky At Home Cynthia @ Create with Cynthia Sinea @ Ducks ‘n a Row Beverly @ Eclectic Red Barn Katie @ Love My Messy Messy Mess Audrey @ Munofore Audrey @ That Recipe Let's get on with the party!
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
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