
Sunday, October 28, 2018

Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #244

Messy Messy Fail - I thought I was soooooooo cool - I had planned to make space cupcakes for the 1st graders' 7th birthday party at the bowling alley this weekend.  The frosting was black, blue and purple mixed together for a nice "space" effect.  It also effectively turned every child's mouth and teeth purple/black, including fingers and anything they touched for about 30 minutes after eating the cupcake.  They looked great though!  Gotta look up if there is a way to make black frosting without the lasting effects.....

Tidy Victory - Halloween decorations are up, costumes are ready to go, now to carve pumpkins on Tuesday night.  Be watching my Instagram account at Love My Messy Messy Mess for pictures!

P.S.  Congrats to me below - I got a featured post woohoo!  Be sure to click the link for the recipe!

Hey Everyone, It’s still my month but sadly my last week. I sure do love hosting and selecting those special features that just speak to me. If you are joining from a blog other than mine I am Linda from A Labour of Life. I have been hosting this month. 
October is Fall and Canadian Thanksgiving and Halloween and did I mention Pumpkin Spice? This week I selected a lead into Halloween, a drink, a craft and even an awesome Table plus a Saturday surprise on Sunday.  Enjoy and please let’s see what amazing Fall and Halloween ideas you have for Happiness is Homemade!


On with this week's features!

The Country Chic Cottage created the cutest little Pumpkin Jars filled with my favorite Candy Corn treats.


And then over at Debbie-Dabble Blog we have the cutest Tablescape so hello how could I not share that with you for Halloween!


Next up is a Reduced Fat Pumpkin Cheesecake from The Kittchen. How Yummy does this look. 


 Need to warm up after Trick or Treating, how about a Boozy Apple Cider from Love My Messy Messy Mess. 



And Finally as a bonus Feature because I love Bonus Features let's leave Halloween behind and head back to the house and Home. Anika's DIY has the most amazing homemade Firepit for us all to envy or copy. 


Now, let's get started now with this week's party. While you are here, we'd love it if you would visit the blogs of our lovely co-hosts!

The rules? They are really simple! Make sure you visit a few other blogs and make some new friends along the way. Feel free to link up your favorite recipes, crafts or your latest DIY project. We want you you share it all! As always, please make sure to follow your hosts and co-hosts!! Link up your posts, make some friends, and earn the chance to be featured at Happiness Is Homemade Link Party! We will feature the favorite posts each week! Disclaimer: Adding your link to this link party gives permission to all 12 Hosts, along with any co-hosts, guest hosts, and participants of Happiness Is Homemade, to share your posts and pictures via social media and as features, roundups, etc. with an explicit link back to your original source. Therefore, linking up you agree to allow us to use your images on each of our blogs in features relating to Happiness is Homemade Link Party.