
Monday, January 20, 2025

Happiness Is Homemade LInk Party #556

Messy Messy Fail - The two chores I hate the most - shoveling and stacking wood.  The absolute worst is shoveling the wood that you didn't stack in order to stack it.  

Tidy Victory - I've got enough wood stacked in the garage that does not need to be shoveled to last a few weeks until I can get to the wood stacked outside, under the snow. :D

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #555

Messy Messy Fail - Got a big bags of tulip bulbs sitting in my garage as well.  Why do I wait?!?!?!?

Tidy Victory - Completely unrelated but my Christmas shopping is nearly done!  Just a few more gifts for the boys and I am good to go!