
Sunday, February 26, 2023

Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #468

Messy Messy Fail - I got 2 of the four bedrooms in this house cleaned out, I guess that's better than 1 or none.

Tidy Victory - I'm posting this party PRACTICALLY on time :)

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #467

Messy Messy Fail - Truly, I would love to post on time one of these days.  Next week's party is my day lol.  Doubtful.

Tidy Victory - My indoor houseplants are looking incredible right now, and I really have my homemade fertilizer to thank.  Whenever I use either a banana, eggs or coffee, I put the leftovers into a mason jar, fill the rest of the jar with water and let it sit for a couple days.  Then I pour the fertilizer water that was created out of the jar into a watering can, fill the rest of that watering can with water and use that to water my plants.  Nearly all houseplants love the potassium from banana peels, iron from the egg shells or acidity from the leftover coffee.  So why pay for fertilizer from the store when you can just use your own?

Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #466

Messy Messy Fail -  Why can't I post on time?!?!?!?!  Over a week late AGAIN!

Tidy Victory - I cleaned Ethan's room.  Greatest victory EVER!  BTW, Ethan is my keeper of ALL things great and small, if that puts this tidy victory into a better perspective.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #465

Messy Messy Fail - I was late this last week's power and now this party.  Wait until you see next week - late again :D

Tidy Victory - Continuing to get rid or more and more unwanted clothing that I don't need!  Unsure of why I've felt a need to keep it for this long, but out it goes!

Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #464

Messy Messy Fail - I left some of my cool weather tolerant but not freeze tolerant plants outside just a bit too long and now I'm trying to nurse them back to health. I have a mandvilla, a fern and a palm that have seen better days.  Nothing feels mushy so hopefully just a matter of time before they return!

Tidy Victory - The amarylis plants that I purchased after Christmas at a crazy discounted rate continues to bloom!  I have a tinkerbell variety that just opened and now a ferrari is coming - they are so stunning!