Messy Messy Fail - Ohhhhhh boy as the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland says.... "I'm late, I'm late, I'M LATE!" We were camping last weekend without service - sorry folks! Tidy Victory - After three camping trips, I think I almost have packing down to a SCIENCE. Three days before - bedding. Two days before - clothes. One day before - groccery shopping and packaged food in camper. Day of - cold foods into fridge. Totally works for me and results in much less stress the day of!
Messy Messy Fail - Don't you hate it when you are CONVINCED you have something in your fridge needed for that night's meal, but then you go to get it and IT'S NOT THERE?!?!?!? That happened three times this week. Lots of substituting to say the least. Although plain Greek yogurt is NOT the same as sour cream, it still tastes somewhat good. Tidy Victory - I have sooooo many gorgeous flowers blooming in the gardens right now, including MANY varieties of lilies and some giant mop head hydrangeas - love having fresh flowers! Check out my lilies on my Insta account or my Facebook!
Messy Messy Fail - Forgot several important fridge items for our camping trip last week - you CANNOT camp without cream cheese for your bagels! Also I may have forgotten the cheese slices, butter, but who's paying attention! Tidy Victory - In an effort to get a better view of the humming birds, I purchased a little suction cup hanger for the window - I hope the feeder isn't too heavy for it. Will keep you updated!
Messy Messy Fail - Some of the plants in my garden are seriously overtaking. Ahem - SPIDERWORT! I used to feel really guilty about pulling plants out but no longer because it's EVERYWHERE! Tidy Victory - I got lots of plants into the vegetable garden finally! I usually start them from seed but it just did not happen this year. I forget that there's NOTHING WRONG with buying seedings at Walmart and planting them, so that's what I did :D
Messy Messy Fail - So I am posting this party several days late - totally a fail BUT my excuse was, I wasn't home over the weekend! We took a family camping trip to Allegheny State Park and had a great time! Tidy Victory - I saw a bear! At the time I feared for my life (unnecessarily so I am told) but looking back it was SO COOL to see one. My life DID flash before my eyes but looking back, what an amazing opportunity!