
Monday, January 8, 2018

Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #202

Messy Messy Fail - My house.  Right now.  Being packed up.  Messy messy MESS!!!!

Tidy Victory - Although packing truly is the pits, I think we are doing a good job of it.  We didn't wait too long - packed up lots of items we didn't need for every day living - and for the last two weeks we've been boxing up the remainder.  My favorite packing tip?  Use your dish/bathroom towels to wrap around breakables and save on packing materials!

We're back! Happy New Year! 

We are so excited that you came by to party with us. If you are not getting in on our link party as early as you would like - we start every Sunday morning at 3:00 am ET - just subscribe to the blog where you most frequently party join us and you will receive a reminder by email. Easy peasy!

Way back in 2017, we had some amazing posts shared at our year-end finale. It was tough deciding just who would be featured for the first party 2018 - your creations are amazing! - but we did it and here they are for your enjoyment!

This holiday treat is perfect for any kind of party year round. Can anybody say "Super Bowl Party"? These Pretzel Rolo Turtles by 
Lisa from Bloghetti are easy to make and a crowd pleaser for sure.

Appetizers for spaghetti and meatball lovers! #recipes

Don't these Mini Spaghetti and Meatball Appetizers from All That's Jas look delicious? Yum!

Homemade holiday hostess gift basket by Gluesticks blog #crafts

Holiday gift basket idea that really can be given ANY time of year - especially in those cold months of winter. This Holiday Hostess Gift Basket was made by Brandy of Gluesticks blog.

This Geometric Christmas Tree is so cool! It was made by Jessa and can be found on her blog simply called "Sparkle."

And finally, here are two fun DIY New Year's Eve Balls made by Chas' Crazy Creations!

Please be sure to visit our Happiness Is Homemade hostess' blogs. Just simply click on each picture below to be taken directly where you want to go!

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The Happiness Is Homemade Hostesses

Image Map

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Follow our Pinterest board! All of the features are pinned on the Happiness is Homemade Board!

The rules? They are really simple! Make sure you visit a few other blogs and make some new friends along the way. Feel free to link up your favorite recipes, crafts or your latest DIY project. We want you you share it all! As always, please make sure to follow your hosts and co-hosts!! Link up your posts, make some friends, and earn the chance to be featured at Happiness Is Homemade Link Party! We will feature the favorite posts each week! Disclaimer: Adding your link to this link party gives permission to all 12 Hosts, along with any co-hosts, guest hosts, and participants of Happiness Is Homemade, to share your posts and pictures via social media and as features, roundups, etc. with an explicit link back to your original source. Therefore, linking up you agree to allow us to use your images on each of our blogs in features relating to Happiness is Homemade Link Party.