
Saturday, September 30, 2017

Alphabet Match Up Game for Preschoolers

Messy Messy Fail - I was cleaning out my gardening toolbox and area in the garage when I came upon several bags of spring bulbs that I had purchased on clearance from Walmart over the winter, clearly unplanted.  Do you think I could plant them now?  Have I missed my window of opportunity?  Clearance is no good when you FORGET about the product!

Tidy Victory - I am actually EXCITED to go through my closet during the fall season and GET RID OF CLOTHES I DON'T WEAR!  I don't know why I hold on to them, but I do.  Time to free myself of my no longer fitting fashion items!

Hey readers - are you looking for a simple and easy activity to enrich your preschooler's education at home in a fun way?  Extra practice at home never hurts, and it's even more effective when it's in a playful setting!  

Check out this activity below focused on creating letter sounds AND making connections between those sounds and tangible objects.  It also includes fine-motorskills practice!


Play Alphabet Match-up!

  • Clothespins
  • Paper
  • Tape
  • Pen or marker
  • Old magazines
  • Scissors

What You Do:

Write the letters of the alphabet on small pieces of paper and tape them to clothespins, or print the letters right on the clothespins. Cut out magazine pictures, one for each letter of the alphabet, and have your child match the clothespin letters to the beginning sounds of the objects in the pictures. They can clip the pictures to the corresponding clothespins as they find them!

Special thanks for providing this activity idea.  For more ideas you can visit their website at

I did not receive any compensation for this post.