
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Non-Toy Gifts for Little Kids

Messy Messy Fail - It appeared as though the toddler decided to record some extra programing on our DirecTV DVR of his own before we went away for a weekend.  Upon returning, an episode of  American Horror Story Hotel and Fargo was missed due to a full hard drive of Good Morning America, the Rachael Ray Show and Kelly & Michael.  Delete, delete, delete.

Tidy Victory - These last few days I have been a MACHINE getting my Christmas tasks done - Santa Sprinkles for the UPKer's class, teacher gifts, peanut butter fudge for co-workers, cards mailed out, Christmas breakfast and dinner items purchased!  This may truly be the most ready I have ever been for the holidays, and it feels so good!

If you are anything like me, you like to give gifts that you think people will find useful.

That being said, we have lots of friends with children that we are purchasing gifts for this year.

Lots of friends with children with lots of toys.  

Toy, toys and more toys.

Therefore, I have made it my goal this year to attempt to give gifts that are non-toys.

Yes, you heard that right - non-toys.

Non-toy gifts can range from special play dates to DVDs to tickets for performances.

So, if you are like me and trying to cut back on the toys, check out my list below of excellent non-toy gifts for little kids (perhaps ages 2-5 depending on what the child can handle)!

  • gift card for movie tickets and treats
  • special library playdate (free!)
  • season pass for local kiddy amusement park
  • gift card for local attraction, i.e. bounce house, trampoline park
  • gift certificate or special date for a kid mani/pedi
  • if you have a tractor or know someone who does, free ride for the child on a tractor (said it already but free!)
  • special picnic playdate (free!)
  • DVD of special movie or program
  • special activity playdate - sledding, ice skating, hiking, camping, campfire (potentially free!)
  • gift certificate or special date for an ice cream
  • gift certificate for a specialized local class offering - lego club at the library, arts and crafts at Michaels, etc. (can be free!)
  • gift certificate for online program - ABCmouse, etc.
  • tickets or special date for a local show - Disney On Ice, etc.
  • special playground tour (free!)
  • new bedding in the child's favorite character (one can never have too much bedding for kids)
  • gift certificate or special date at a local children's museum

Now I know these all typically may include a gift card that isn't always the most fun for a kid to receive, but then the awesome activity that the child will get to participate in is what really counts.

Many of these can involve you (the adult!) taking the child yourself or perhaps the child with your child (if you are giving the gift to a a friend's kid).

For many of these gifts, especially the playdates, my plan would be to offer to take the child and parents (if they want to go!) to enjoy the playdate, but you could also just take the kid solo and give the parents a break (which can be a gift in and of itself!).

But sometimes it's fun for two mommy friends and their two kids to go on a fun mommy/son movie date :)

It's also important to remember that money spent on a gift doesn't matter to kids.  A friend offered to take the UPKer on a tractor ride and I'm telling you, that would make that boy's YEAR!

Hope this little list of non-toy kid gifts helps you keep the toy purchases down and holiday time spent together up!

What little kid gifts do you like giving?

I do not plan on posting anything new before Christmas SOOOOOOO............ happiest of holidays to you and your families my dear readers, enjoy!