
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Favorite Shots - Covered

Messy Messy Fail - I thought I was being smart by recording the Grandparents Day date on my computer calendar from last year.  I thought Grandparents day was always September 8th.  Well, turns out Grandparents Day is on the Sunday after Labor Day, not September 8th, which was the date of the Sunday after Labor Day last year.  All the grandparents in our family received a very early Happy Grandparents Day message.  I guess at least I didn't miss it all together.

Tidy Victory - As I head into my last week of co-hosting the Happiness is Homemade linky party, I want to thank hosts Cathy at A Peek Into My Paradise, Brittany from Mommy On Demand, Lisa from Bloggheti and co-hosts Sinea from Ducks 'n a Row, Alli from Tornadough Alli, Amanda from Amanda Unfolded, Linda from A Labour of Life and Michelle from Fays House for such a terrific time!  It's different but really fun experience being on the other side of a linky party - I helped me learn a lot about using social media, coding and what the different components of good blogs are in general.  One more party to go next week, and feel free to check out this past week's Happiness is Homemade Linky Party #90.  What a victory it was to win this co-hosting experience for the month of September - thanks again ladies!

Photo taken in my backyard during the winter of 2014, Jamestown, New York.

Linking up with.....

Mary Denman

5 Minutes for Mom

Amanda’s Books and More


  1. Early wishes are always better than late! ;)
    Thanks for linking on Amanda's Books and More at

  2. it is great that you managed to send all those beautiful messages and wishes. Cheers from NYC :)

  3. Christina - thanks for stopping by happy to link up! :)

  4. Indah - stay dry in NYC and thanks for stopping by!


Thanks for taking the time to comment and share your thoughts - it really means a lot to my mess and I! :)