
Friday, June 12, 2015

5 Reasons Why I Have Not Posted in a Few Weeks

Messy Messy Fail - Today itself has been a messy messy fail.  Let me explain - broke a glass candle holder, dumped half & half on the kitchen floor, driveway guys showed up as I was trying to load up the boys in the car, dropped two 2 liters of pop (not soda) in the high school parking lot, dropped multiple items out of my too small cart at Wegmans, had one of my students who worked at Wegmans point out that my cart was too small for all of the items I was purchasing, holding a teething baby, dropped more glass on the floor, dumped a pint of blueberries on the floor.  I guess you could say I dropped a lot of things today.

Tidy Victory - In between dropping the 2 liters and trying to console the teething baby, I had a blissful hour of shopping at Wegmans for the baptism barbecue and purchased everything I needed to make food.  Ah, my happy place.  Did I ever mention I love Wegmans?

Well, according to this blog, I have not posted in nearly two weeks.  It doesn't feel like two weeks to me, but that really is too long of a time.

But I do have 5 very good reasons why I have not blogged in two weeks.

For real.

<One> Work - I will have had three concerts over two weeks - a middle school Lawn Social, a high school Awards Concert and middle school Awards Concert.  The Lawn Social is exactly what the title says - we perform on the lawn and host vendors as a fundraiser for our music program.  At the Awards Concerts I feature some soloists and small ensembles, hand out awards and have the orchestras play some fun pop music.  It's a lot of work.  And a lot of logistics.  But a totally cool way to end the school year.

<Two> Pittsburgh - Last weekend my husband and I went to a Dave Matthews concert with some friends at the First Niagara Pavilion in Pittsburgh while his parents stayed with the boys.  We had a great meal at Bar Louie in Station Square, enjoyed the concert, ALMOST stopped at a bar called the Mousetrap (which upon internet research has a website and may actually be pretty cool despite the gory name), and lastly a quick visit to the Duquesne Incline.  I got some great shots!

Up we go!

View from the top.

Cool light fixture in the incline car.

Aaaaand back down.

There's Dave!

No one can groove like Stefan.

Carter is always smiling!

The soul of the band.
Yes, those are two trumpets he's holding at once.

Boyd & Tim in one shot

<Three> Celebrations - You name it, we've celebrated it.  Birthdays, baptisms, retirements, new houses, new jobs, the list goes on and on.  We love to celebrate and be a part of our friend's and family's special occasions as well as have them be a part of ours.  The baby is getting baptized on Sunday and I'm hosting a retirement party on Tuesday - party on Wayne!

<Four> The House - aka The Money Pit - We have been driveway-less for approximately two months now.  That may not sound like too big a deal, but as the dirt and grass being tracked into the house from the lack of pavement builds up in our kitchen (main entrance to the house) I am reaching my limit.  THANK GOODNESS they came today to put the binder on the driveway, which after being explained to me I now know is the base coat but is still NOT LOOSE GRAVEL.  Finally. We are still lacking a front porch, but come on - baby steps.

<Five> The Bachelorette - I'm just a sucker, what can I say.  I'm watching the latest episode that I DVR'ed as I type.  I'm not really feeling a good vibe from any of the men yet, except for maybe 
Ben Z.  However, history has proven that I NEVER pick who the bachelor or bachelorette picks.  So what do I know.

Thanks for reading my true but ridiculous excuses as to my mega slacker style lately.  With summer approaching, I am setting a personal goal of at least two regular posts a week.  A few current posts in the works include: Fairy Garden Part II, my Deck Hanging Baskets, How to Help Your Child Be Successful on Their Musical Instrument and an Interview with One of My Favorite Etsy Shops - Carolina Knots.

Crazy concert picture, great show!

Cheers to a great weekend with good weather and fun times!

Linking up with......

Bright on a Budget