
Friday, May 29, 2015

Oh hey, Friday! - Weekend at Home

Messy Messy Fail - Not sure what's worse, washing crib sheets/mattress protector/pajamas that are soaked through with pee pee every night from the baby or ditching an entire box of size 3 diapers and purchasing a new box of size 4 to see if that does the trick?  The poundage is correct for the size 3 but we just cannot seem to stay dry through the night.  And I'm cheap.  So it looks like the pee pee laundry will continue to pile up.

Tidy Victory - I designated a box in our bedroom a while back as the donation box, and every time I walk into our closet I try to pick something out I haven't worn in a decade and toss it.  I've accumulated quite the nice pile!  My husband is quite pleased.

Even though I had Monday off from work, MAN did this week feel long!  The weather forecast here is calling for rain this weekend, so I'm sure we'll be staying home inside where it's dry.  As the weather continues to get warmer and summer vacation is at hand, I've got lots on my mind.  But first and foremost, things of importance for my weekend at home.......

<One> Accent Jam - I think I had my previous Jams on for nearly 3 weeks and they were quite grown out.  I have a concert this coming Thursday, so I need to have a little something that's toned down and modest.  Look at this cute little pinky accent!

<Two> Fresh Eggs - Nana Patti thinks they are rather gross (must be the dark yellow color of the yolk) but I LOVE fresh eggs.  They typically run around $3.00 a carton around here - I purchase them from the local farm stands or my husband's band students who have free range chickens, but I'm telling you people IT'S WORTH IT!  Try them out and you'll be a believer.  I especially love it when they have green or blue shells (I'll take a picture when I get some, these beauts were just speckled brown).  They are most delicious either hard boiled or sunny side up - so creamy and delightful!

<Three> Breakfast Treats - At the middle school where I work, the teachers take turns signing up to bring treats for Friday morning.  It really helps to keep us connected as humans amidst all of the work on a busy Friday.  This morning it was the music department's turn for treats, so our menu consisted of:  breakfast pizza, donuts, slow cooker cheesy hash browns, hello dolly bars from this post and Amish friendship bread (banana and chocolate).  Everything was a hit and there was nothing left by the end of the day!

<Four> Playground Playdates - Over the summer, a bunch of friends and I chose a weekday morning to meet at a different playground every week.  Gets us all out of the house to enjoy some beautiful weather, lets the kids socialize and lets us chat.  We've found some winners and losers playground wise, but it's always fun.

<Five> Cell phone case - I feel as though my cell phone case should be another fashion accessory.  247 Cases on Amazon has plenty of cute cases at a reasonable price point.  These cases by no means are going to protect your phone from a drop in the toilet or throw out the car window, but they are super fun!  I can't decide between these three......

What do you think about cell phone cases - don't care or work of art?  Not worth the money or fun treat for the ladies?

Linking up with.....


  1. We recently traveled to Ohio to visit family, and the parks there were just so much better then the ones here in Tampa. I think there is one park I really like here in the Tampa area, and can't wait to visit it this summer!

    I'm loving the anchor phone case! Looks like a great summer case to me!

  2. Isn't it funny how you always think the other parks are better? :) Thanks for the vote I'm still just stuck, I'm so indecisive!


Thanks for taking the time to comment and share your thoughts - it really means a lot to my mess and I! :)